Leader of the Court Showcase Rules
The Leader of the Court Showcase is a one-on-one basketball competition where players compete to be the last person standing by scoring points in successive matchups. The first player to reach 10 points in each group is declared the winner.
Player Grouping:
Players will be grouped by grade level.
If a group has more than 8 players, each even number of players over 8 will be divided into smaller groups. The top 2 players from each group will compete in a final round for the title of Leader of the Court.
Gameplay Rules:
Starting Play:
The first player with the ball is on offense, and the next player in line is on defense. This will be selected randomly.
Scoring and Continuation:
If the offensive player scores, they keep the ball and face the next defender in line.
If the offensive player misses but secures an offensive rebound, they can continue attempting to score until the defender gains possession.
Once the defender gains possession (either through a rebound, steal, or forced turnover), they become the offensive player, and the previous offensive player moves to the end of the line.
Winning the Round:
The first player to score 10 points in a round wins.
The top 3 players in each age group will be recognized.
Final Rounds:
In the event of multiple groups within an age category, the top 2 players from each group will advance to a final round.
The same rules apply in the final round to determine the Leader of the Court.
A referee will be present on the court to enforce normal basketball rules, including fouls, out-of-bounds, and other violations.
All referee decisions are final.
General Basketball Rules Applied:
Standard fouls, violations, and gameplay rules will apply (e.g., traveling, double dribble, etc.).
Offensive rebounds allow for continued scoring attempts until the defender gains control.
Key Points:
First to 10 points wins each round.
Top 3 players in each age group will be recognized.
Offensive rebounds allow for continued play until the defender takes possession.
Referee decisions are final.
Only registered players are guaranteed a slot
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